Helping Black Entrepreneurs

Achieve Economic Empowerment...

(365 1/4th Days of The Year!)

We Help

Black Entrepreneurs Achieve Economic Empowerment...

365 ¼ Days of The Year!

Members enjoy unprecedented access to experts who share their knowledge,

mentors to show you the shortcuts, and a community of like-minded entrepreneurs

to mastermind with, giving you the UNFAIR ADVANTAGE you need to


Members enjoy unprecedented access to experts who

share their knowledge,

mentors who'll show you the shortcuts and a community of like-minded entrepreneurs

to mastermind with, giving you the UNFAIR ADVANTAGE

you need to build the business and lifestyle you deserve!

Advisory Council Members

CPA & Financial Consultant

Joyce Hayward

Educator & Entrepreneur

Timothy D. Craggette

Attorney & Real Estate Broker

Danani Gardner

Business & Marketing Consultant

Bro. Bedford

Advisory Council Members

CPA & Financial Consultant

Joyce Hayward

Educator & Entrepreneur

Timothy D. Craggette

Attorney & Real Estate Broker

Danani Gardner

Business & Marketing Consultant

Bro. Bedford

Robert Smith

“We can transcend the script of a pre-defined story, and pave the way for the future that we design. We just need to tap that power, that conviction, that determination within us.”


“I had to make my own living and my own opportunity. But I made it! Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them.”

Madam C.J. Walker


While you're fighting for a seat at the table, I'll be down in Atlanta building my own.' Because what I know for sure is that if I could just build this table, God will prepare it for me in the presence of my enemies."

Tyler Perry


"I think mentors are important and I don't think anybody makes it in the world without some form of mentorship. Nobody makes it alone. Nobody has made it alone. And we are all mentors to people even when we don't know it."


Join The Worlds #1 Network For Black Entrepreneurs...

(And Start Building The Business & Lifestyle You Deserve!)

Join The Worlds #1 Network For Black Entrepreneurs...

And start building the business

& lifestyle you deserve!


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Copyright 2023 Talented Tenth Network - All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy - Disclaimer - Terms & Conditions